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Great option for those who already have their own teeth whitening gel. Our great value whitening kits that includes gel can be found here


Our custom fit teeth whitening trays are designed with a reservoir on each tooth so that teeth whitening gel can be effectively applied to each tooth, making them far superior to generic off the shelf kits. Without custom teeth whitening trays saliva can get into the whitening gel and reduces it's effectiveness. Having correctly fitted whitening trays also means that the gel doesn't get on to the gums and other soft tissues and you also use far less whitening gel than generic trays. 


These are the same quality you would expect from a visit to the dentist but without the high associated cost! We strive to be the cheapest manufacturers of custom whitening trays in Australia.


Each tray is made to fit you uniquely as we send you a home impression kit with which to take an accurate impression of your teeth. No need to visit the dentist, just take your impression following our instructions and then return to us in the prepaid satchel included then we will make your custom trays in our lab here in Australia. 


Your purchase includes:

  • Home Impression Kit
  • Custom Made transparent bleaching trays
  • Safe Keeping Case
  • 1 Year Warranty on your trays covering manufacture defects
  • 14 day money back guarantee

Custom Teeth Whitening Trays Only Package

PriceFrom AU$129.00
Sales Tax Included

    Product is made from EVA (ethyl-vinyl-acetate), which is harmless to health and tested for biocompatibility

    Please be aware of the following when ordering:

    • Not suitable for under 16 year olds
    • Not to be used if you have any fixed orthodontic appliances fitted
    • Not to be used if any upper or lower braces are fitted
    • Not to be used if ANY dentition is loose including crowns
    • Not suitable for anyone allergic to silicone

    Spartan Guards products are covered by a 1 year (12 months) limited warranty that covers against manufacturing faults and defects. It does not cover loss, improper use, accidental damage or products that have been chewed through. Night guards in particular are designed to withstand grinding force of the teeth but will eventually require replacing. If you find your night guard is wearing out quicker than anticipated you may need to order a thicker option. When placing an order with us you accept that your product decision is your own individual choice and that Spartan Guards will have no liability to you whatsoever. 

    ​We operate a 14 day Money Back Guarantee and will provide a refund (at our descretion) up to the full amount of the cost of the product. This does not include associated postage costs. To qualify for the Money Back Guarantee you must inform us within the 14 day period that you are not happy with your purchase. If an exchange can not be arranged we will issue you with a refund upon receipt of your unwanted product to our laboratory. 


    All products including the impression kit are sent via Australia Post. You should receive your impression kit within 7 business days. Once your impression kit arrives you will find a prepaid return satchel inside. This will provide means for you to return your impression to our laboratory.

    Once your product has been manfactured in the lab your product will be despatched according to the delivery level you selected at checkout

    Standard shipping can take up to 6 business days

    Express shipping should take one business day depending upon time of lodgement and destination point

  • GST

    Prices shown are inclusive of GST.

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